"Kum hie, sitz a pisl!"
Neither the one coming from Hárskút nor the one coming from Zirc can see the village in advance. It's as if the whole village, hidden in the long valley, is a single, intimate space. The only opening of this space to the outside world is the recreation park and the newer streets towards the Old Mine. While the former is a place for quieter, more intimate events (exhibitions, performances, music), the latter is a place for fairs and festivals that attract larger crowds.

summer garden cinema, street party...
Games, sports, cooking, fair shows, ...
The school building was built in the 19th century, then rebuilt and renovated in 1929. It was once a Catholic school, then a municipal primary school, and later a kindergarten. At present, the kindergarten is located in the right wing of the building.
The left wing is the community centre. There are two large and one small room, and two rooms that can be combined into a large hall. It is an excellent venue for exhibitions, workshops, camps, talks and screenings.
The courtyard with the staircase leading up to the church, with its thermo-stone wall, is an external, but still more closed, intimate space where we have held chamber music concerts and smaller performances.

The Calvary above the church hides in plain sight of the village's main street. Yet many people discover this garden, bordered by organ bushes and arches of stations, offering intimacy and quiet contemplation. We even meet people from Pest who come down from time to time to recharge their batteries. This place lends itself to summer evening talks, hidden concerts and readings.