Family and Local History

Save a story!
online programme
Anyone can join our online programme
and we welcome new members to our local history club!

Local History Club
Online programme:
Save a Story
oral history
In addition to writing history, oral histories also record the events of the world's past. The latter is at least as important a source for the study of history as the written documents recorded by chroniclers or the material documents discovered by archaeologists. It tells us how a particular event was experienced by a PEOPLE. These are the stories that adults tell at a family gathering, or are reluctant to tell, and even then only talk about in hushed, subdued tones. But these stories are ours. They happened to our ancestors and they affect our lives. They are part of our own local history.
We now invite everyone to join us in remembering.
The entries we receive will be published as part of our collective memory.
We welcome your stories!
Thank you for helping us save a story!
Rette eine Geschichte!
Mündlich lebende Geschichte
Die schon vergangene Geschehnisse der Welt werden sowohl durch die Historiographie als auch durch mündlich weitergebende Erzählungen verewigt. Letztere ist mindestens so wichtige Quelle für die Verarbeitung der Geschichte, wie die von den Chronisten niedergeschriebene schriftliche, oder von den Archäologen offenbarte sachlichen Dokumenten. Diese informieren uns darüber, wie das MENSCH einige Geschehen erlebt hat. Diese sind solche Geschichten, die an einigen familiären Zusammenkünften von den Erwachsenen erzählt werden. Oder solche, die nicht gerne erwähnt werden, wenn ja, dann nur still und abgedrosselt. Aber auch diese Geschichten gehören zu uns. Diese passierten mit unseren Vorfahren, und sprechen unsere Leben an. Diese bilden ein Teil unserer selben lokalen Geschichte.
Wir invitieren jetzt alle auf eine gemeinsame Erinnerung. Die eingehenden Schreiben publizieren wir als Teil des kollektiven Gedächtnisses.
Wir warten die Geschichten!
Wir bedanken uns, wenn du hilfst, eine Geschichte zu retten!
Danke für die Übersetzung, Győrffy Karina!
Petra Molnár attended the German nationality section of the Lovassy László High School. She wrote her final thesis from the history of her own family. Her grandparents were resettled from Lókút. Her great-grandmother was already living with her husband in Zirc, so this branch of the family could stay here. Learn about Petra's research:

We are proud of one of our university girls who, with her classmates, has embarked on a project in the horse track.
They started collecting old photos, scanning them and processing their data. I would say that slowly (but already over 200 processed images) we are building up a collection of photos that we plan to put online in a searchable format.
Thanks to them for their work!
Aniko also gave a presentation of the collection so far. During the afternoon of photo viewing, we decided to hold more of these discussion screenings, as it was nice to recall moments from the past.
Family History

In the middle is Anna Nagy, whose parents went to America from Lókút, where she was born, and then returned to Lókút and started a family. She lived as an American and Hungarian citizen. Her granddaughter Mária keeps her picture.
It's mysterious and exciting stories like this that make you fall in love with family history research. We occasionally offer help with this. We help, encourage each other and share the joy of discovery. And in the meantime, we puzzle out the history of the families of the Horse Trail like a million-piece jigsaw puzzle